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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Readings 4/21

-What can we learn from the situation with Kaplan, how some disagree with it, and how Kaplan admitted to their flaws? What does this say about trusting a source and considering possible unintended consequences or flaws in the source? In my opinion, it is always important to consider what others would have to say about the source.

-The article states that it is important that consultants not think of all ESL students as alike. What would be the most important thing to consider according to the ESL students themselves? How can we get inside the heads of ESL students and consider what they would want consultants to know about them and how to help them, and then, what do we think they would want us to know?

-In regards to the cultural variances, when is it appropriate to direct the writer towards common practices in American writing vs what they're used to. How can we know if a writer's ultimate goal is to learn about American writing and improve in that arena vs working on their writing as it is in their own culture?

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